Hi, I am José Miguel Rojas,
I am a Lecturer in Software Testing at the Department of Computer Science in the The University of Sheffield.
Before, I was a Lecturer at the Department of Informatics in the University of Leicester. Prior to joining Leicester, I had been a Research Associate in Software Testing in Verification and Testing group at Sheffield, working with Gordon Fraser, who is now the Chair of Software Engineering II in Passau, Germany.
I hold a PhD in Computer Science from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain, where I worked in The COSTA Group, advised by Elvira Albert and Miguel Gómez-Zamalloa.
My research focuses on automated software engineering, with emphasis on search-based unit test generation and its application in practice to improve software quality and developers' productivity. In the past I also worked on bio-inspired computational devices, constraint logic programming, software static analysis and symbolic execution for software testing.
See my publication record